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Our Approach

Clarity upfront

Before any work at all is begun, we establish the most important question to be answered. We do this by establishing the key challenges and questions facing you and your organisation. We do this as a brainstorm/workshop. This is one of a our favourite things as so many times we have had the experience of moving from a swamp of thoughts and ideas all intermingled to enormous clarity and structure. Along with this comes the ability to know the handful of things to explore that could totally transform the organisation. You can read more about this in our blog “Clarity as a first step”.

“I can’t believe how much clarity has come from our first meeting. Things I have been trying to work out for months just fell into place. And I now have a structure to present my thinking to the Board.
– CEO of Charity for Adults with Learning Difficulties

Exploration, analysis and testing

Next we dive into these handful of things to explore – those which could totally transform the organisation. We work with the end in mind, structuring exactly what it is we need to know about these areas to make decisions and to determine solutions. We might be finding out about your customers, or the market, or government regulations or maybe the skillset within your organisation to deliver certain solutions. We hone in on the precise facts, knowledge and evidence that is going to bring insight, that will answer our questions. We are curious. We want the most that can happen for the organisation.

“Our revenues are up 20% following the work we did with Insight Consultancy Group on understanding our customer’s needs and the gaps in meeting these needs, both from ourselves and our competitors, and then subsequently designing new products and services.
– Sales Director, technology company


Once we have understood, we synthesise our findings and determine the optimal solutions – those that give the best theoretical answer and at the same time will work for you and your team. We spend time to ensure that any gaps to delivering the solutions are resolved. We work to communicate and ensure continued buy-in of the solutions.

“Insight Consultancy Group can create and build concepts and carry them through to implementation. It is focused, adds value to a business and is extremely productive.
– Celina Marcus, HR Business Partner, Virgin Management Ltd

Transfer of knowledge, skills and tools

We provide training and coaching to teach our problem-solving and analytical tools. This means that clients can use these on a ongoing basis – in situations not involving us and well beyond the scope of the original project.

“Insight Consultancy Group always builds in time to train and coach us on knowledge and tools. The techniques they use have now become part of the way we work around here, significantly improving our strategy thinking and problem solving, and our communication to our colleagues and customers.
– Lawrence Corbett, COO, Virgin Unite